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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Maier, Elizabeth; Lebon, Nathalie
Jahr: 2010
Maße: 25 cm
ISBN: 0813547288
Sprache: Englisch
The book brings together a group of interdisciplinary scholars who analyze and document the diversity, vibrancy, and effectiveness of women’s experiences and organizing in Latin America and the Caribbean during the past four decades. Most of the expressions of collective agency are analyzed in this book within the context of the neoliberal model of globalization that has seriously affected most Latin American and Caribbean women’s lives in multiple ways. Contributors explore the emergence of the area’s feminist movement, dictatorships of the 1970s, the Central American uprisings, the urban, grassroots organizing for better living conditions, and finally, the turn toward public policy and formal political involvement and the alternative globalization movement. Geared toward bridging cultural realities, this volume represents women’s transformations, challenges, and hopes, while considering the analytical tools needed to dissect the realities, understand the alternatives, and promote gender democracy. Table of Contents: Foreword * Preface* Part I - Setting the Stage * Introduction: Women Building Plural Democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean * Chapter 1: Accommodating the Private into the Public Domain: Experiences and Legacies of the Past Four Decades * Part II - Women, Work, and Families * The Sturcutral Conatext of Globalization: Chapter 2: Women’s Work and Neoliberal Globalization Chapter 3: Female-Headed Households and Poverty in Latin America (Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic) * Chapter 4: A “Top-Down”–“Bottom-Up” Model: Four Decades of Women's Employment and Gender Ideology in Cuba * Part III - Women’s Agency for Plural Democracy and Full Citizenship * Chapter 5: The Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo Speak * Chapter 6: Gender Politics in Nicaragua: Feminism, Antifeminism, and the Return of Daniel Ortega Chapter 7: Haiti: Women in Conquest of Full and Total Citizenship in an Endless Transition * Chapter 8: From Urban Elite to Peasant Organizing: Agendas, Accomplishments and Challenges of Thirty-plus Years of Guatemalan Feminism, 1975 - 2007 * Part IV - Broadening the Circle of Women’s Activism: New Meanings from Intersecting Oppressions * Chapter 9: Women’s Movements in Argentina * Chapter 10: Advocating for Citizenship and Social Justice: Black Women Acitivists in Brazil * Chapter 11: Itineraries of Latin American Lesbian Insubordination (Norma Mogrovejo) * Chapter 12: Respect, Discrimination, and Violence : Indigenous Women in Ecuador, 1990-2007 Part V: Shaping Public Policy with a Gender Perspective * Chapter 13: Peace Begins at Home: Women's Struggles against Violence and State Actions in Costa Rica * Chapter 14: New Challenges in Feminist Practice: The Women's Institutes in Mexico * Chapter 15: Women’s Struggles for Rights in Venezuela * Chapter 16: Trickling Up, Down, and Sideways: Gender Policy and Political Opportunity in Brazil * Part VI - The Politics of Scale: Local, Regional and Global Feminist Agency * Chapter 17: From Insurgency to Feminist Struggle: The Search for Social Justice, Democracy, and Equality between Women and Men * Chapter 18: The Latin American Network of Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir * Chapter 19: Constructing New Democratic Paradigms for Global Democracy: The Contribution of Feminisms * Part VII - Concluding Considerations * Chapter 20: Concluding Reflections
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