Buch Monografie

Gender and sexuality in African literature and film : in African literature and film

Herausgegeben von: Azodo, Ada Uzoamaka [weitere]
Trenton, NJ [u. a.]: Africa World Press , 2007 , 333 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Azodo, Ada Uzoamaka; Eke, Maureen N.
Ausgabe: 1. printing
Jahr: 2007
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 159221469X
Sprache: Englisch
The books theoretical, interpretative, and analytical approaches document the state of knowledge on homoeroticism in African literature and film. The editors and contributing scholars to this volume - Ada Uzoamaka Azodo, Maureen Ngozi Eke, Christiane P. Makward, Miriam C. Gyimah, Keith M. Harris, and Chukwuma Okoye etc. - draw attention to the paucity of homosexuality as an abiding theme in African creative and artistic activities, emphasizing the need to separate sex from gender, investigate the correlation between gender and sex as categories of human identities, and between gender and creative artistic practices. They look at characterization, textual and filmic structure and plot in terms of identification, and this not always traditionally. The contributors raise major questions and also provide background information on the prevailing views on gender and sexuality, differences of viewpoint between literature and film, men and women, males and females, the evolution of human sexuality throughout African history, and what genre and race have got to do with it. This book, therefore, urges the reader to explore how literature and film interact with political, economic, and social life in Africa, and to challenge cultural biases that predominate about Africa and its diaspora the world over. Contents: AFRICAN LITERATUR: I. Social and historical transformations of gender und sexuality: gender and sex in the political economy of postcolonial discourse * Misogyny and Islam in Ibrahim Tahir's "The Last Imam" (Erica Hoagland) * Constructing postcolonial maleness in Ayi Kwei Armah's "Fragments" (Pinkie Mekgwe) * The postcolonial condition in Promise Okekwe's novels (Chukwuma Okoye) * Assia Djebar's "L'amour, la fantasia" (Najat Rahman). II. Rumbles of race in gender and sexuality matters: the African diaspora factors of race and racism, and social and racial injustices * Gender and sexuality in Dany Laferriere's North-American autobiography (Ada Uzoamaka Azodo) * Race and female sexual agency in Calixthe Beyala'a "Amours sauvages" (Stacy E. Fifer) * Maryse Conde's "I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem" (Amy Lee). III. Contestations, protestations, and representations: performance, corporeal practices, and individual life styles * Woman-woman marriage in Igboland (Egodi Uchendu) * Uncovering incest in father/daughter relationships: displacement and distancing strategies in Buchi Emecheta's "The Family" and Evelyne Mpoudi Ngolle's "Sous la cendre le feu" (Jill Eagling) * Représentation(s) de l'exicion dans le roman ivoirien: des "Soleils des indépendances" (1968) d'Ahmadou Kourouma à "Rebelles" (1998) de Fatou Kéita (Bernadette K. Kassi). IV. Social constructions of homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and transvestite identities: gay male and female bodies and the politics of gender and sexual identity and representation * "She doesn't know the truth about me: (t)he shaping presence" of the closet in Amma Darko's "Beyond the Horizon" (M. Catherine Jonet) * Dangerous encounters with the West: gender, sexuality, and power in Ama Ata Aidoo's "Our Sister Killjoy" (Miriam C. Gyimah) AFRICAN FILM: Woubi chéri: negotiating subjectivity, gender and power (Maureen N. Eke) V. Social constructions of masculine and feminine identities * "Stand up, boy!" Sidney Poitier, "boy", and filmic Black masculinity (Keith M. Harris) * Does the "Season of Men" require the harvest of women? A Tunesian filmmaker's vision (Anastasia Valassopoulos) * The sex appeal of Idrissa Ouedraogo's films: Yaaba (1989), Tilai (1990), Samba Traoré (1993), Le cri du coeur (1994), La colère des dieux (2002) (Christiane P. Makward) * Representations of gender in three West African films. Finzan (1989), Touki Bouki (1973), Hyenas (1992) (Victoria Pasley).
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