Buch Monografie

Gendered work in Asian cities : the new economy and changing labour markets

Verfasst von: Brooks, Ann
Aldershot: Ashgate , 2006 , 150 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Brooks, Ann
Jahr: 2006
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 0754647005
Sprache: Englisch
Do the new Asian economies encourage gender equality? Ann Brooks provides an insight into this question by assessing the impact of the new economy and the changing labour market on women in Asia. Theoretical debates around globalization, gender and social change are combined with empirical research on professional women in two global cities: Hong Kong and Singapore. These two cities have the highest numbers of professional women in Asia. Both the Hong Kong and the Singapore governments have adopted an open-door policy to attract both global foreign talent and female domestic labour, the latter is a highly significant player within the changing order, as Brooks emphasizes. Brooks highligths some significant developments: the growing differentiation within the division of labour between and within gender frameworks; the growing 'feminization' of job supply and of business opportunities; the increased access to wages and salaries for women at both the upper and lower end of the market; changing gender hierarchies; increased mobility at the high and low ends of the job market; and the increased prominence of women both as visible 'power-brokers' and as significant consumers within the global economy.
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