Buch Monografie

Engendering development : capitalism and inequality in the global economy

Verfasst von: Trauger, Amy [weitere]
London: Routledge , 2019 , 159 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Trauger, Amy; Fluri, Jennifer L.
Jahr: 2019
ISBN: 0415789672
Sprache: Englisch
Engendering Development demonstrates how gender is a form of inequality that is used to generate global capitalist development. It charts the histories of gender, race, class, sexuality and nationality as categories of inequality under imperialism, which continue to support the accumulation of capital in the global economy today. The textbook draws on feminist and critical development scholarship to provide insightful ways of understanding and critiquing capitalist economic trajectories by focusing on the way development is enacted and protested by men and women. It incorporates analyses of the lived experiences in the global north and south in place-specific ways. Taking a broad perspective on development, Engendering Development draws on textured case studies from the authors’ research and the work of geographers and feminist scholars. The cases demonstrate how gendered, raced and classed subjects have been enrolled in global capitalism, and how individuals and communities resist, embrace and rework development efforts. This textbook starts from an understanding of development as global capitalism that perpetuates and benefits from gendered, raced and classed hierarchies.
Enthält bibliografische Angaben und Index (Seite 153-159)
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