Buch Monografie

African feminist theology and Baptist pastors' wives in Malawi

Verfasst von: Longwe, Molly
Mzuru: Luviri Press , 2019 , 300 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Longwe, Molly
Schriftenreihe: Luviri books
Jahr: 2019
Maße: 21 cm
ISBN: 9996066223
Sprache: Englisch
This book presents a story of the experiences of being church of the pastors’ wives within the Baptist Convention of Malawi (BACOMA). Formed in 1970 out of the missionary endeavours of the North American-based Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), BACOMA is a voluntary national association of Baptist churches. Molly Longwe‘s book presents a concise picture of African Feminist Theology and to relates it to the lived experiences of pastors‘ wives in the Baptist Convention of Malawi.
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