Buch Monografie

Opacity Minority Improvisation : An Exploration of the Closet Through Queer Slangs and Postcolonial Theory

Verfasst von: T., Anna
Bielefeld: transcript , 2020

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Einrichtung: belladonna | Bremen
Signatur: B-6961
Verfasst von: T., Anna
Jahr: 2020
ISBN: 3837651339
Sprache: Deutsch
S.9: Acknowledgements\[W9]\S.13: Introduction\[W9]\S.22: Methodology, Methods, Aesthetics\[W9]\S.31: The Chronicles of the Closet\[W9]\S.31: Mia forá ki énan kairó ...\[W9]\S.38: Perí Nisestókoutou\[W9]\S.44: Áei morí kaliarntí !\[W9]\S.55: Esý morí, pou káthesai; - Situating the Denizens\[W9]\S.56: Queer / Lavender Linguistics\[W9]\S. 63: Performance\[W9]\S.68: A Little Outing\[W9]\S.75: Opacity\[W9]\S.75: Opacity and the Closet\[W9]\S.78: Tensions\[W9]\S.80: AEEIKO\[W9]\S.81: Social Queetique - chacha. cha.\[W9]\S.87: Opacity, Detour, Silence\[W9]\S.90: Opacity and Postcolonial Critique\[W9]\S.98: ' '\[W9]\S.105: Detour\[W9]\S.110: The Opacity of the Rainbow \[W9]\S.112: Opacity and I\[W9]\S.113: Disenfranchised\[W9]\S.119: Minority\[W9]\S.123: Orality - Literature\[W9]\S.128: Minor Art Practice\[W9]\S.139: Mom's the Word or Take Sertraline with Me (if you want to)\[W9]\S.139: queen\[W9]\S.140: Affective Staying Ins\[W9]\S.141: Looking back\[W9]\S.142: Backwardness\[W9]\S.147: 'Yaaass queen' *snaps fingers*\[W9]\S.150: Esý morí poianoú eísai?\[W9]\S.155: Phenomenology of the …..\[W9]\S.155: Marinarísmata\[W9]\S.162: Nextness\[W9]\S.169: Tô passada!\[W9]\S.181: Endnotes\[W9]\S.219: Bibliography\[W9]\
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