
She must be seeing things

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Einrichtung: ausZeiten | Bochum
Signatur: 159
Formatangabe: Spielfilm
Orginaltitel: She must be seeing things
Mitwirkende: McLaughlin, Sheila [RegisseurIn]
Dabney, Sheuila [SchauspielerIn]
Weaver, Lois [SchauspielerIn]
McLaughlin, Sheila [DrehbuchautorIn]
Jahr: 1987
Spieldauer: 90
Sprache: Deutsch
Jo and Agatha are lovers. Both have careers: the Brasilian-born Agatha is an attorney; Jo is a filmmaker, working hard to complete the shooting of a movie called, "Catalina." Agatha may be seeing things: she's jealous, convinced Jo is having an affair with a man and follows her. But is it Jo she's following, or someone who looks like her? Jo is either too exhausted to pay much attention to Agatha or she's cleverly hiding her affair. We see some of "Catalina," with overtones of melodrama, and sometimes, when Agatha watches the shooting or looks at rushes with Jo, Agatha sees Jo in scenes of sex or violence instead of the lead actress.
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