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Einrichtung: ausZeiten | Bochum
Signatur: 17
Formatangabe: Spielfilm
Mitwirkende: Campion, Jane [RegisseurIn]
Campion, Jane [DrehbuchautorIn]
Jahr: 1989
Spieldauer: 90
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
Explores sisters, in their twenties, their parents, and family dysfunctions. Kay is gangly and slightly askew, consulting a fortune teller and then falling in love with a man because of a mole on his face and a lock of hair; then, falling out of love when he plants a tree in their yard. Sweetie is plump, imperious, self-centered, and seriously mentally ill. The parents see none of the illness, seeing only their cute child. Kay mainly feels exasperation at her sister's impositions. Slowly, the film exposes how the roots of Sweetie's illness have choked Kay's own development. Can she be released?
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