Buch Monografie

Another kind of public education : race, the media, schools, and democratic possibilities

Verfasst von: Hill Collins, Patricia
Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press , 2009 , 236 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Hill Collins, Patricia
Schriftenreihe: A Simmons College/Beacon Press race, education, and democracy series book
Jahr: 2009
Maße: 22 cm
ISBN: 0807000183
Sprache: Englisch
One of America's most distinguished scholars of race shows us how public education needs to be seen in the light of the influence of "color-blind racism as a system of power." Drawing examples from schools, media, and the workplace, Collins gives us a book of social analysis that is also an energizing handbook for change.
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