
Resisting Paradise

Herausgegeben von: Hammer, Barbara
USA: 2003

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Einrichtung: Spinnboden | Berlin
Signatur: V 863
Formatangabe: Dokumentarfilm
Herausgegeben von: Hammer, Barbara
Jahr: 2003
Spieldauer: 80
Sprache: Englisch
What are our responsibilities during war? How can art exist during political crisis? War forces people to make choices. W.W.II in Southern France is the setting for this film that highlights the painters Henri Matisse and Pierre Bonnard along with war resisters and refugees. They all lived or passed through Cassis and other towns along the Mediterranean Coast where light made a paradise of shimmering reflections.\[W9]\What did they do in time of war? Viewers will be challenged to look at their own choices in troubling times.\[W9]\Barbara Hammer is an internationally recognized film artist who has made eighty films and videos and is considered a pioneer of lesbian-feminist experimental and documentary cinema.
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