Buch Sammelband

The international handbook of gender and poverty : concepts, research, policy

Verfasst von: Chant, Sylvia
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar , 2010 , 698 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Chant, Sylvia
Jahr: 2010
Maße: 25 cm
ISBN: 184844334X
Sprache: Deutsch
In the interests of contextualising (and nuancing) the multiple interrelations between gender and poverty, Sylvia Chant has gathered writings on diverse aspects of the subject from a range of disciplinary and professional perspectives, achieving extensive thematic as well as geographical coverage. This benchmark volume presents women's and men's experiences of gendered poverty with respect to a vast spectrum of intersecting issues including local to global economic transformations, family, age, 'race', migration, assets, paid and unpaid work, health, sexuality, human rights, and conflict and violence. The handbook also provides up-to-the-minute reflections on how to theorise, measure and represent the connections between gender and poverty, and to contemplate how gendered poverty is affected - and potentially redressed - by policy and grassroots interventions. An unprecedented and ambitious blend of conceptual, methodological, empirical and practical offerings from a host of established as well as upcoming scholars and professionals from across the globe lends the volume a distinctive and critical edge. Notwithstanding the broad scope of The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty, one theme in common to most of its 100-plus chapters is the need to 'en-gender' analysis and initiatives to combat poverty and inequality at local, national and international levels. As such, the volume will inspire its readers not only to reflect deeply on poverty and gender injustice, but also to consider what to do about it. The 104 contributions are devided in 10 parts: 1. Concepts and methodologies for gendered poverty; 2. Debates on the femininsation of poverty and female-headed households; 3. Gender, family and lifecourse; 4. Gender, race and migration; 5. Gender, health and poverty; 6. Gender, poverty and assets; 7. Gender, poverty and work; 8. Gender, poverty and policy interventions; 9. Microfinance and women's empowerment; 10. New frontiers in gendered poverty research and analysis
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