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Afghan Women under Taliban Rule: Are there any good options? : An Afghan Perspective on the Second Anniversary of the Taliban’s Return

Verfasst von: Nemat, Orzala Ashraf
Wien: Women Without Borders , 2023 , 1 Online-Ressource (11 Seiten) S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Nemat, Orzala Ashraf
Körperschaft: Women without Borders
Schriftenreihe: Policy Paper N°11, August, 2023
Jahr: 2023
Sprache: Englisch
In Policy Paper N°11, Afghan scholar and women’s rights activist Dr Orzala Nemat reflects on the two years since the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan and have systematically imposed country-wide draconian measures, violating the basic human rights primarily of women and girls. She argues that diplomatic efforts, humanitarian aid, and sustained advocacy for women’s rights should continue to be at the forefront of global action and that the reopening of secondary and high schools and universities and allowing women back to work must become a pre-condition for any form of political engagement with the Taliban.
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