Buch Monografie

We can stop this / ISTERSEK BITER

Herausgegeben von: Kamer Foundation
Diyarbakir: Kamer Women Center / Kamer Kadin Merkezi , 2011 , 310 S.

Weitere Informationen

Einrichtung: TERRE DES FEMMES | Berlin
Signatur: C 50 Kam III
Herausgegeben von: Kamer Foundation
Jahr: 2011
ISBN: 9944084018
Sprache: Deutsch
In this book titled "We Can Stop This", which is the fourth in a series that recounts KAMER's activities, the words you will come across the most frequently will be "freedom", "feminism", and "questioning". If you have never come across KAMER up to now, you will, while reading this book, see through stories that all times will pain you and at times make you smile with hope, how important these concepts have been in defining the identity of KAMER since its foundation. You will be able to study surveys, reports, and statistics about the perception of honour, and the extent and variety of violence.
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