Buch Monografie

Reimagining Christianity and sexual diversity in Africa

Verfasst von: Van Klinken, A. S. [weitere]
Oxford: Oxford University Press , [2021] , 256 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Van Klinken, A. S.; Chitando, Ezra
Schriftenreihe: African arguments
Jahr: [2021]
Maße: 22 cm
ISBN: 178738571X
Sprache: Englisch
Religion is often seen as a conservative and retrogressive force in contemporary Africa. In particular, Christian beliefs and actors are usually depicted as driving the opposition to homosexuality and LGBTI rights in African societies. This book nuances that picture, by drawing attention to discourses emerging in Africa itself that engage with religion, specifically Christianity, in progressive and innovative ways - in support of sexual diversity and the quest for justice for LGBTI people. The authors show not only that African Christian traditions harbour strong potential for countering conservative anti-LGBTI dynamics; but also that this potential has already begun to be realized, by various thinkers, activists, creative artists and movements across the continent. Their ten case studies document how leading African writers are reimagining Christian thought; how several Christian-inspired groups are transforming religious practice; and how African cultural production creatively appropriates Christian beliefs and symbols to affirm the dignity and rights of LGBTI people. In short, the book explores Christianity as a major resource for a liberating imagination and politics of sexuality and social justice in Africa today. Foregrounding African agency and progressive religious thought, this highly original intervention counterbalances our knowledge of secular approaches to LGBTI rights in Africa, and powerfully decolonizes queer theory, theology and politics.
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